One of the major challenges schools have nowadays is to centralise the various software solutions they frequently use into one single platform. They tend to use different platforms in a haphazard manner. This makes management of student attendance and daily tasks very difficult to deal with, absorbing unnecessary management and admin time which can largely be reduced by the use of mobile technology.
A large number of schools have various parent, student and teacher apps, which are used for different purposes such as student progress and tracking in areas e.g. (a) attendance (b) performance indicators (c) communications (d) school note management, etc.
SchoolTrackerApp is a software tracking suite integrating various requirements into one same management platform all in one single parent app.
Challenges we face and challenges we help solve:
SPT allows parents to be fully aware of their child’s performance throughout the course of their studies. It aims to improve student’s performance at school by keeping parents and teachers in complete sync at all times by monitoring progression and assessing exam results real-time.
Teachers use the performance module to add students' homework and exam results. In addition, teachers can acknowledge student performance by assigning them achievements as rewards. Parents have access to homework, exam results and achievements of their children. They can also be requested to acknowledge the notices by providing digital signatures.
This module allows schools to send out letters directly to a parent. These notes/letters, can be easily composed from the admin panel in different formats depending the purpose of the note.
Moreover, this module can be linked to the payment platform to instantly make payments for payable services. When a school note refers to a specific event, upon confirmation of attendance, that event will be saved to the parent calendar and will send a reminder to the parent a day in advance. All confirmed events will be stored on the parent app calendar section. If the event is discarded, it will disappear from the app.
This module is available to both parents and teachers and is to be used as a first point of reference in relation to a child’s health records. Parents will be required to fill out a digital form via the App and provide any health-related issues such as medication, recent operations, illnesses, allergies. Etc.
For the younger age group information such as a history of vaccination can come in handy too.
Furthermore, in case of emergency teachers can locate the contact details of the child’s next of kin or family doctor easily.
With this tool, you will have access to actionable data, the use and interpretation of this will help you improve the services you offer. Gain parent’s feedback and opinions on any given subject or services, virtually real time (parents can remain anonymous). Customer satisfaction has never been easier with this App tool.
Our solution offers savings in printing of documentation (forms, questionnaires). It also reduces staff workload as it simplifies the procedure in obtaining statistical data. It improves the productivity and efficiency of your existing workforce, allowing the latest technologies to take over tedious and time-consuming tasks which our software does automatically, thus allowing them to concentrate further on other activities.
Feedback channel allows you to segment your target audience in order to obtain full analytics with useful and concise information which is fully up to date.
A private and real-time chat managed by teachers to interact with group of parents of specific children or a whole class.
Users are not required to install a separate App or create a new user account as the chat is integrated with STA. The group chats are entirely private and can be available over days or weeks, the teacher decides when the group is to be closed.
For ease of communication, teachers can instantly convey information to multiple parents of children who are to participate in an upcoming school event for instance. Likewise, parents can support each other, share information and exchange ideas amongst themselves.
The online and App booking system offers a convenient and practical service for both parents and school Admin, saving both parties time and automating their workload.
Upon receipt of a push notification informing parents of an upcoming excursion for instance, parents can instantly book a place for their children and can rest assured that it is reserved for the child without having to either phone or go to the school in person to do so.
Interlinked with the booking system, making payments for school services is now made easier by using a platform that is fast, simple and secure. Available anytime anywhere to instantly process payments for school services such as field trips, school meals. etc…; saving parents a trip to the school to make payments in person. Payment history is stored and can reviewed for future reference.
Accessed via the Admin Panel, the payment platform is an efficient and paperless invoicing system. It is an advanced tool built to manage online payments, create invoices, track and receive payments as well as process payments.
Here you can find some screenshots of the SchoolBusTracker App. Please ask for a fully functional demo, including our web management system, using our contact form.
At Elitech Lab we develop web, mobile as well as our own proprietary software solutions to improve your communication processes, customer service and optimise management and operational efficiency.
We work on projects of any complexity, primarily on: iOS, Android and web management platforms. We work with your company to define how best to utilise the capabilities of technologies and provide strategic solutions to your current challenges and build you a competitive advantage.
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If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us!
We have selected Stripe to manage the processing of payments through our website and apps. Stripe’s payment solutions are trusted and utilised by thousands of businesses, big and small, in nearly all parts of the world. Stripe’s e-commerce solutions are secure and easy-to-use, and have enabled customers to gain access to valuable products and services over the Internet. With Stripe, you are provided with a variety of options for payment of Elitech Lab software solutions and products. This includes Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard and American Express.
You may, however, cancel a payment made within two days of making the order by sending an email quoting your order number or by quoting the date of payment and the name of the person who made the payment. All goods/services within the order will stop being available once the refund has been processed. All refunds will be credited to the payment card used to make the order.
American Express